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just for a little ponder!(1)


I refer all sunni brothers and sisters who are really seeking the Truth to Hadithes which despite of this fact that evil minds always in the history have tried and even now try to conceal and to deny the Right of Ahl al-Bayt- I.e the Successorship of the Prophet(Salam Be Upon Him & His Progeny)- still have remained in their own Sunni books:

1)The [Sunni] author of Yanabee` al-Mawaddah narrates the following incident in his book:

A Jew named al-A`tal came to the Prophet and said, "Muhammad! I wish to ask you about certain things which I have been keeping to myself; so, if you answer them, I shall declare my acceptance of Islam before you." The Prophet said, "Ask me, O father of Imarah!" So he asked him about many things till he was satisfied and admitted that the Prophet was right. Then he said, "Tell me about your wasi (successor): who is he? No prophet can ever be without a wasi; our prophet Moses had appointed Yusha` [Joshua] son of Noon as his successor." He said, "My wasi is Ali ibn Abu Talib followed by my grandsons al-Hasan and al-Husayn followed by nine men from the loins of al-Husayn." He said, "Then name them for me, O Muhammad!" The Prophet said, "Once al-Husayn departs, he will be succeeded by his son Ali; when Ali departs, his son Muhammad will succeed him. When Muhammad departs, his son Ja`far will succeed him. When Ja`far departs, he will be succeeded by his son Musa. When Musa departs, his son Ali will succeed him. When Ali departs, his son Muhammad will succeed him. When Muhammad departs, his son Ali will succeed him. When Ali departs, his son al-Hasan will succeed him, and when al-Hasan departs, al-Hujjah M. al-Mahdi will succeed him. These are the twelve ones." That Jew, therefore, embraced Islam and praised Allah for having guided him.

[ This is recorded on p. 440 of Yanabee` al-Mawaddah by the Hanafi author al-Qandoozi. It is also recorded by al-Hamawayni [another Sunni scholar] who quotes Mujahid quoting Ibn Abbas.]

2) The Prophet(SBUH&HP) said: I am the city of Knowledge and Ali is its gate.

[sources: Mustadrak, al Hakim, vol 3 p 127
Tarikh, Ibn Kathir, vol 7 p 358 ]

This tradition alone should be sufficient to indicate the example that has to he followed after the Prophet of Allah (SBUH&HP) because the educated man ought to be followed.

Allah - the Most High - said: Say: Are those who know and those who do not know alike?
[Holy Quran 39:9]

He also said: Is he then who guides to the truth more worthy to be followed, or he who himself does not go aright unless he is guided? What then is the matter with you; how do you judge? [Holy Quran 10:35]

History has recorded many facts telling us that Hazrat Ali(a.s) was the most knowledgeable man among all the companions and they used to consult him on every important matter, and we do not know of any event in which he declined to give his advice.

Abu Bakr said, "May Allah never put me in a predicament that Abu al-Hasan cannot solve. " And 'Omar said, "If Ali was not, 'Omar would have perished."
And Ibn Abbas said, "My knowledge and the knowledge of the Companions of Muhammad(saw) is but a drop in seven seas if compared with Ali's knowledge."

[al Isti'ab, vol 3 p 39
Manaqib al Khawarizmi, p 48
al Riyadh al Nadirah, vol 2 p 194 ]

And this is what Imam Ali(a.s) said about himself, "Ask me before you lose me. By Allah, if you ask me about anything that could happen up to the Day of Judgement, I will tell you about it. Ask me about the Book of Allah, because by Allah there is no [Qur'anic] verse that I do not know whether it was revealed during the night or the day, or whether it was revealed on a plain or on a mountain."

[ al Riyadh al-Nadirah, vol 2 p 198
Tarikh, Suyuti, p 124
al Itqan, Suyuti, vol 2 p 319
Fath al Bari, vol 8 p 485
Tadhib al Tadhib, vol 7 p 338 ]

This is 'Omar saying. "All people are more knowledgeable than I am, even women!!!!!!!!!!!!" He was once asked about the meaning of a Qur'anic verse, and his reaction was to rebuke the man and beat him until he bled, then he said, "Do not ask about matters which may appear bad to you."!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

[ Sunan, al Darimi, vol 1 p 54
Tafsir, Ibn Katheer, vol 4 p 232
Tafsir, Suyuti, vol 6p 111 ]

3) The Prophet(SBUH&HP) said: Ali is from me and I am from Ali and no one can discharge my duty except myself or Ali.

[Sunan, Ibn Majah, vol 1 p 44
Khasais, al Nasai, p 20
Sahih, al Tirmidhi, vol 5 p 300
Jami al Usul, Ibn Kathir, vol 9 p 471
al Jami al Saghir, al Suyuti, vol 2 p 56
al Riyadh al Nadirah, Tabari, vol 2p 229 ]

This honorable tradition is another clear indication that Imam Ali(a.s) was only one whom the Messenger authorized to discharge his duties. The Messenger said it on the day of the great pilgrimage when he sent Hazrat Ali(a.s) with Surat Bara'a instead of Abu Bakr, who came crying and asked, "O Messenger of Allah ! Reveal something for me." The Messenger answered, "My Lord ordered me that nobody can discharge my duty except myself or Ali."

4) The Prophet(SBUH&HP) said: O Ali! You will show them the right path when there will be disagreement among them after me.

[Tarikh, Ibn Askir, vol 2 p 488
Kunuz al Haqa'iq, al Mauawi, p 203
Kanz al Ummal, vol 5 p 33 ]

If except Hazrat Ali(a.s) no one can discharge the prophet's duty and when it is Imam Ali(a.s) who shows the Right Path and solves the disagreements after the prophet(SBUH&HP) how other ones who themselves confess to their own ignorance can have priority over him?????

5) The Prophet (SBUH&HP) said, indicating Hazrat Ali(a.s): This is my brother, my trustee and my deputy [caliph] after me, so listen to him and obey him.

[Tarikh, al Tabari, vol 2 p319
al Sirah al Halabiyah, vol 1 p 311
Shawahid al Tanzil, vol 1 p 371
Kanz al Ummal, vol 15 p 15
Tarikh, Ibn Asakir, vol 1 p 85
Tafsir, Ala al Din al Shafi'i, vol 3 p 371
The Life of Muhammad by Hasanyn Haykal, First Edition (Section on: And admonish your nearest, your kinsmen) ]

This is yet another correct tradition cited by many historians at the beginning of the prophetic mission, and considered as one of the Prophet's miracles. However, political intrigues distorted the facts. Then there is no wonder that the oppression which took place then is coming back again in our lifetime.

For example, Muhammad Husayn Haykal reproduced the saying in its entirety in his book "The Life of Muhammad[SBUH&HP]", (Page 104, First Edition 1334 Hijri). From the Second Edition onward, the part of the tradition where the Prophet(SBUH&HP) says, "He is my trustee, my deputy [caliph] after me" has been removed.
Also, in al-Tabari's commentary [Tafsir], Volume 19. Page 121, when the Prophet(SBUH&HP) says "My trustee and my deputy [caliph]" was changed to "This is my brother etc. etc", but they failed to recognize that al-Tabari had cited the tradition in its entirety in his Annals Volume 2, Page 319. Look how they change the words and distort the facts ... they want to put out the light of Allah with their mouths, but Allah is spreading His light.

6) The Prophet(SBUH&HP) said: O People, I leave amongst you two things which if you follow, you will never go astray. They are the Book of Allah and my Ahl al-Bayt .

He also said: The messenger of my God is about to come to me and I shall answer. I am leaving with you the two weighty things: The first is the Book of Allah, in which you find guidance and enlightenment, and the people of my household . I remind you, by Allah, of the people of my household... I remind you by Allah of the people of my household.

[Sahih, Muslim, Chapter on the Virtues of Imam Ali (as), vol 5 p 122
Sahih, al Tirmdhi, vol 5 p 328
Mustadrak, al Hakim, vol 3 p 148
Musnad, Ahmed Hanbal, vol 3 p 17 ]

7) The Prophet(SBUH&HP) said: Behold! My Ahl al-Bayt are like the ship of Noah, whoever embarked/got on in it was saved, and whoever turned away from it was drowned.

[Mustadrak, al Hakim, vol 3 p 151
Yanabi Muwaddah, Qundoozi Hanafi, p 30, 370
al Sawaiq al Muhriqah, Ibn Hajar, p 184, 234
Majmaa al-Zawaed, al-Haithami, v9, p168 ]

8)The Prophet(SBUH&HP) said: My Ahl al-Bayt are like the Gate of Repentance of the children of Israel; whoever entered therein was forgiven.

[Majmaa al-Zawaed, al-Haithami, v9, p168
al-Sawaeq al-Muhriqa, ibn Hajar al-Haithami, p193
Noor al-Absar, al-Shiblinji
al-Ifrad, al-Darqutni]

11) The Prophet (SBUH&HP) said: Whoever wishes to live and die like me, and to abide in the Garden of Eden after death should acknowledge Ali as his patron and follow Ahl al-Bayt after me, for they are my Ahl al-Bayt and they have been created out of the same knowledge and understanding as myself. Woe unto those followers of mine who will deny the Ahl al-Bayt their distinctions and who will disregard their relationship and affinity with me. May Allah never let them benefit from my intercession.

[Mustadrak, al Hakim, vol 3 p 128
Kanz al Ummal, vol 6 p 155
al Manaqib, Khawarizmi, p 34
Yanabi al Muwaddah, p 149
Tarikh, Ibn Asakir, vol 2 p 95
Hilyat al Awlia, vol 1 p 86
Al Jami al Kabir, al Tabrani and
al Isabah, Ibn Hajar ]

12) And at last but not the least, the events which happened for Hadrat Fatimah (SBUH)-the Prophet's daughter- after the prophet's demise really enlighten the Truth.

May Allah guide all of us to the right path, to the true path of Allah which was showed by all the prophets and their Allah-chosen successors! 

At last I repeat again that Sunni documents are not my source to find the WHOLE TRUTH, I just wanted to show you that if Allah wants, his light will shine even in the darkness of the concealments and distortions.

I brought these cases for the wise and fair readers with this hope that perhaps they cause a spark in reader's minds to start a research; A research even in their own sunni historical and traditional books. Of course, if their scholars let their public have an access to their books!And then a research on Shi'a 's authentic books without any prejudice.
And thanks to Dr.Tijani for his wonderful authentic books from which texts I used in my posts. 

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